Private Sub Btn_SendEmail_Click()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim RowNum As Integer
Dim objPPT As Object
Dim ppt As Object
Dim randomslidenumber As Integer
Dim Low As Double
Dim High As Double
Dim nextdays As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'if the emails are sent upto date
If (DateValue(Sheet1.Range("D1").Value)) < DateValue(Sheet1.Range("B1").Value) Then
MsgBox "Emails upto date", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
Set objPPT = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
objPPT.Visible = True
Set ppt = objPPT.Presentations.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Birthday_Template.pptx", ReadOnly:=msoTrue)
Do While VBA.DateDiff("d", VBA.DateValue(Sheet1.Range("B1").Value), (VBA.DateValue(Sheet1.Range("D1").Value) + 1)) <> 0
For RowNum = 7 To Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
If VBA.Format((Sheet1.Cells(RowNum, "D").Value), "DDMM") = VBA.Format((Sheet1.Range("B1").Value), "DDMM") Then
' Getting Random Slides
Low = 1
High = ppt.Slides.Count '<<< CHANGE AS DESIRED
randomslidenumber = Int(((High - Low) * Rnd() + Low)) ' Change to 1 or any slide number if you want to have a fixed greeting to be sent
With ppt.Slides(randomslidenumber)
.Shapes("EmployeeName").TextEffect.Text = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Sheet1.Cells(RowNum, "B").Value) ' assocate name main
.Shapes("BirthDate").TextEffect.Text = VBA.Format(Sheet1.Cells(RowNum, "D").Value, "DD Mmm") ' birthdate
.Shapes("ProcessName").TextEffect.Text = (Sheet1.Cells(RowNum, "C").Value) 'this is process name
.Export (ThisWorkbook.Path & "\slide") & ".gif", "gif"
End With
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = Sheet1.Range("B3").Value
.CC = Sheet1.Range("B4").Value
.To = Sheet1.Cells(RowNum, "E").Value
.Subject = "Happy Birthday" & " " & WorksheetFunction.Proper(Cells(RowNum, "B").Value)
.Attachments.Add (ThisWorkbook.Path & "\slide.gif")
.HTMLBody = "<html><center><img src='cid:slide.gif' height='576' width='768' /></a></center> </html>"
' .send
' .Display to send directly
End With
End If
Next RowNum
Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Format(VBA.DateValue(Sheet1.Range("b1").Value) + 1, "dd-mmm")
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
Set ppt = Nothing
Set objPPT = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
VBA.Kill ThisWorkbook.Path & "\slide.gif"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Processing Done", vbInformation
End Sub
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